Small scale pyrolysis recycling plant and auxiliary equipment manufacturer
Technokomplex, a small scale pyrolysis plant manufacturer and supplier, presents pyrolysis machine and auxiliary equipment to process products - pyrolysis carbon and liquid fuel - into commercial fractions.
Now this machine becomes more relevant for the mechanical rubber goods and plastics utilization field as not only the problem of hydrocarbon-containing products utilization stays strong but utilization of mechanical rubber goods, plastics, oil sludge and waste oils into marketable products (industrial soot, activated carbon, mazut, diesel, benzine) becomes a vital issue.
Technokomplex aims to develop pyrolysis technology and so improves every new set of pyrolysis machine by constant data analysis, thorough feedback analysis and contact with partners operating this equipment.
Pirotex pyrolysis plant directly from manufacturer

Pirotex is a conceptually new equipment based on the closed pyrolysis method of recycling. As a result of mechanical rubber goods and waste tires recycling in the closed pyrolysis unit greater volume of liquid fuel is produced in comparison with the use of open pyrolysis unit. Great idea of new profitable business of high potential during the crises! The equipment is automated to the maximum degree.
Read moreПиролизная установка непрерывного типа "Форватер"

Разработка 2019 года. Установка низкотемпературного пиролиза «ФОРВАТЕР» — это установка шнекового пиролиза непрерывного типа, предназначенная для утилизации СЫПУЧИХ и ЖИДКИХ отходов, отлично показавшая себя в эксплуатации. Высокая степень автоматизации "ФОРВАТЕРА" позволяет избежать применение ручного труда рабочих на загрузке отходов и выгрузке продуктов переработки, а шнековый пиролиз обеспечивает максимально эффективный процесс переработки сыпучих и жидких отходов, с высоким качеством полученных продуктов переработки.
KVARK-500 Drum Furnace for Gas-vapour Activation

KVARK-500 Drum Furnace for Gas-vapour Activation of Carbon-Containing Feedstock — carbonize products like brown coal, bituminous coal, anthracite, peat, wood, vegetation wastes (walnut, coconut and other shells, fruit tree pits, rice husk, etc.) can be processed as well. As a result active coals of different sorption properties for different application fields are available.
Technical characteristics and photos of new equipment can be found in the corresponding sections on the website of the companyTechnokomplex.
UGLAS-800 Gas Generator

UGLAS-800 Gas Generator — is an equipment applied to convert solid fuel into gas, heat and electric energy. UGLAS-800 represents gas generators of new generation (2013) in the range of equipment for recycling and utilization offered by Technokomplex.
Technical characteristics and photos of new equipment can be found in the corresponding sections on the website of the company Technokomplex.
Gas Generator

Gas generator MGG-1-500 is one more type of equipment offered for sale by the company Technokomplex. It is designed for complete transformation of solid fuel into combustible gases. To purchase a gas generator means to buy a turn-key business.
Technical characteristics and photos of new equipment can be found in the corresponding sections on the website of the company Technokomplex.
Mini Oil Refinery Plant

Mini Refinery Plant (MRP) for proceccing of oil, gas condensate, oil and gas mixture and pyrolysis product (synthetic oil).
Read moreThe Konstanta line for carbon processing

The Konstanta line for processing of carbon is designed for production of marketable products from solid cardon-containing residue.
Read moreGRIZOX-50 catalytic thermal cracking unit

GRIZOX-50 catalytic thermal cracking unit for deparaffination and improvement in quality and ecological parameters of carbon-containing feedstock up to marketable products.
Read moreНовости
Oct 05 2020New video about long-flaming coal treatment in continuous pyrolysis plant “FORVATER” is available at “Technokomplex” web-site. In the video you can see how derivative products: coal, pyrolysis fuel and gas are obtained.
In September 2020, trials of continuous pyrolysis plant “FORVATER” on boring and oil sludge were performed. Drill fluid of concrete color without any odors and moisture was obtained during the trials (unloading was performed in 15 and 50 minutes after the equipment start).
In August 2020, installation and commissioning of two Pyrotex pyrolysis units with a total capacity of 5 tons / day for feedstock was carried out at the facility. The equipment reached its design capacity and was put into operation.
Our new equipment pyrolysis plant of non-continuous type "FORVATER" - is a maximum automated equipment without manual labour of workers at feedstock loading and unloading of derivative products.
We would like to answer the questions, concerning pyrolysis equipment “living” after continuous exploitation, and inform you, that in the section “Equipment Photos” the pictures of “Pirotex” pyrolysis plant from Nizhniy Novgorod, sold in 2011 and 2014, are available to see.